lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

My future job

Psicología Clínica | Servicios | OxígenoOxígeno

Hello my dear readers
Today I would like to talk to you about my future work, more precisely what I would like to do in my future, currently I can say that I am a student of psychology, therefore, my work should revolve around this area, mainly in the clinical area, where you can work directly with individuals; I always consider that it would be good to work with people, help them around their problems and try to improve their day to day, this work clearly needs a high level of empathy, understanding as well as knowing how to listen. I would not say that it is an easy task to deal with the problems of others considering the problems I may have, so it is also an important factor to consider. From the point of view of the satisfaction I can receive from doing this work it would be quite significant, just for the sake of trying to help a person improve and make their life easier.
My dream is to open a practice so that I don't have to depend on anyone, to be my own boss and in this way live doing what I am passionate about, it can also be said that I don't just close myself off to the clinical field, I would also like to work in other areas of psychology, after all the most important thing is to live doing what you love.
Thank you very much, goodbye!

4 comentarios:

  1. Is very important the point you deal. I hope the monotony of listening other's problems doesn't alienate you from your job.

  2. i think is important to have psychologists that are passionate about their job, it is going to make a huge difference in our world

  3. certainly, that job needs so much empathy


The English in my life