martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Postgraduate Studies

Pasado, presente, futuro - Jorge Iparraguirre

Hello again my dear readers. 
In the previous blog I talked to you about my future work, today I will continue telling you about a topic, which is important to take into account, that will also play an important role in my future, by this I mean my postgraduate studies, clearly in my case I would like to work in the clinical area of psychology, such as doing a master's degree in clinical psychology for adults at a university in the country, this would be one of the first goals, obviously we must take into account the conditions in which I am in the future, It is something that cannot be predicted with certainty, you have to consider the economic stability that you have, it is not a decision to be taken lightly, but assuming that you have all the possibilities of carrying out a postgraduate study, I would not think twice and I would do it immediately, in the same way that I would not like to leave it up to here, I would love to continue specializing abroad, I would love to continue growing as a mental health professional and in this way be able to give the best attention to my patients. Studying full time would be the best option, to be completely focused on studies, but unfortunately it is not always possible, so, the best would be a part-time course to balance it with work life, but at the end of the day it is good to have goals in life and more if you are doing what you like.

4 comentarios:

  1. How great to see the dedication and motivation you have to continue studying to become a better professional, I hope you can do it :D

  2. I hope that you can achieve your goals in the future, in spite of everything.

  3. certainly taking postgraduate courses is a privilege :c

  4. Sometimes we must take this hard decisions, but if you dream about it with all your heart you will achieved them anyways <3


The English in my life