martes, 7 de julio de 2020


Resiliencia y cuarentena: algunos tips para sobrellevar el estrés ...

Hello again my dear readers.
As it has been seen in the last months, the arrival of the coronavirus to the world has been a quite drastic factor at sociocultural level, the daily life of each person in the world in one way or another suffered changes, this does not leave me exempt, for me the confinement has been a quite difficult subject, the increase of stress and anxiety are subjects that I have had to learn to manage in a better way, in my family they have had to adapt to the change in the daily routine and to overcome the difficulties that this entails (within the possible).
From a social point of view, the arrival of this disease would allow us to redefine ourselves and question our habits as a society, the way we interact with the environment and value interpersonal relationships, but it is still too early to tell. It should be said that in this time of confinement not everything has been bad since it has motivated me to cook much more, which is something I enjoy very much.
There is also the issue of online classes which discourages me a little because you will not get the same knowledge compared to what you would get in a normal face-to-face class, but we have to adapt to the circumstances, it is clearly not an ideal situation...
I try to be quite realistic with the time of confinement, I think this is for a long time, I try to see the good side of things, but it is difficult because of the reality and circumstances that are being lived.

5 comentarios:

  1. I recommend you to try with yoga (down dog app is free) or doing manual work to decrease anxiety! once a psychologist recommended me last one.

  2. I really hate online classes :( it feels like I'am not learning anything so I undestand your point

  3. I hope you can find a way to control anxiety levels!

  4. I feel the same about the online classes :(


The English in my life