miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Academic Programme

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Hello again my dear readers, today I will tell you about my academic plan and what changes I would make in order to improve learning.
I would like to begin by talking about the subjects that have been taken so far, the great majority of them have provided me with knowledge that I consider necessary and useful to train a future psychologist, some of the first semester I did not consider that they were so related to this area of study, so, I would have liked to take advantage of that time to study something more related to psychology itself, as far as the teaching team is concerned I do not have much to say, they are professionals with enough knowledge and experience; the teaching methods themselves work, but they could always improve, trying to make them more didactic, trying to encourage practical activities from the beginning of the career, they would help increase the interest in learning and improve our level of preparation to train as professionals; the issue of workload depends on each subject and how much time we spend on each of them, organizing time well and generating good study habits should not become so heavy (this is a super utopian idea), practice reading and understanding are fundamental in a career like this so this should continue to be reinforced and encouraged. Based on the infrastructure of the faculty, it has both new and old structures, which does not mean something bad, we can highlight the improvements that it is having over time; in relation to the "technology" that the faculty has I do not have much knowledge since I have not had the opportunity to know the laboratory, but it is worth saying that so far I have not seen any impediment in that sense.
So far I have not felt a great level of dissatisfaction with the methodology of the university itself, but there is always room for improvement, because in the end those methods will be the ones that define us as professionals in the future.

5 comentarios:

  1. I like the idea of practical activities from the beginning of the career too!

  2. I think that learning should be oriented to practice from the first year and not only to theory.

  3. Have more practical classes would be nice

  4. I think that the subjects of the first semester are important too! We need to have a general idea before we learn the more specific content


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