sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

The English in my life

Ilustración De Asignatura De Inglés - Descargar Vector

Hello again my dear readers, today I will present the last blog of the semester, in this one I would like to analyze my journey in the study of English and how I intend to use it in the future.
English is a language that is necessary to learn at this time, especially if you want to travel abroad, so I would say that this learning would be more a necessity than a taste. Personally learning English has been a somewhat difficult process, the fact of learning another language concerns much more effort and I consider that it requires a great amount of time, in spite of everything I believe that throughout the years I have managed to establish a good base of knowledge, clearly I would like to know much more, to improve my pronunciation would be something ideal, but I consider as a first need the acquisition of an extensive vocabulary, this could be achieved in the near or distant future depending on the circumstances, it is also necessary to consider a time when I am much more motivated, it is also necessary to consider the current context of pandemic where the spirits to carry out certain activities is quite low.
As I consider myself a big fan of the series, I always watch them in their original language, which in most cases is English, so I always try to repeat the pronunciation or say phrases that mention the characters I find interesting, which I also consider a different way of incorporating English into my daily life; you never stop learning about a new language.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Academic Programme

Estos son algunos de los mejores libros sobre cannabis

Hello again my dear readers, today I will tell you about my academic plan and what changes I would make in order to improve learning.
I would like to begin by talking about the subjects that have been taken so far, the great majority of them have provided me with knowledge that I consider necessary and useful to train a future psychologist, some of the first semester I did not consider that they were so related to this area of study, so, I would have liked to take advantage of that time to study something more related to psychology itself, as far as the teaching team is concerned I do not have much to say, they are professionals with enough knowledge and experience; the teaching methods themselves work, but they could always improve, trying to make them more didactic, trying to encourage practical activities from the beginning of the career, they would help increase the interest in learning and improve our level of preparation to train as professionals; the issue of workload depends on each subject and how much time we spend on each of them, organizing time well and generating good study habits should not become so heavy (this is a super utopian idea), practice reading and understanding are fundamental in a career like this so this should continue to be reinforced and encouraged. Based on the infrastructure of the faculty, it has both new and old structures, which does not mean something bad, we can highlight the improvements that it is having over time; in relation to the "technology" that the faculty has I do not have much knowledge since I have not had the opportunity to know the laboratory, but it is worth saying that so far I have not seen any impediment in that sense.
So far I have not felt a great level of dissatisfaction with the methodology of the university itself, but there is always room for improvement, because in the end those methods will be the ones that define us as professionals in the future.

martes, 7 de julio de 2020


Resiliencia y cuarentena: algunos tips para sobrellevar el estrés ...

Hello again my dear readers.
As it has been seen in the last months, the arrival of the coronavirus to the world has been a quite drastic factor at sociocultural level, the daily life of each person in the world in one way or another suffered changes, this does not leave me exempt, for me the confinement has been a quite difficult subject, the increase of stress and anxiety are subjects that I have had to learn to manage in a better way, in my family they have had to adapt to the change in the daily routine and to overcome the difficulties that this entails (within the possible).
From a social point of view, the arrival of this disease would allow us to redefine ourselves and question our habits as a society, the way we interact with the environment and value interpersonal relationships, but it is still too early to tell. It should be said that in this time of confinement not everything has been bad since it has motivated me to cook much more, which is something I enjoy very much.
There is also the issue of online classes which discourages me a little because you will not get the same knowledge compared to what you would get in a normal face-to-face class, but we have to adapt to the circumstances, it is clearly not an ideal situation...
I try to be quite realistic with the time of confinement, I think this is for a long time, I try to see the good side of things, but it is difficult because of the reality and circumstances that are being lived.

martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Postgraduate Studies

Pasado, presente, futuro - Jorge Iparraguirre

Hello again my dear readers. 
In the previous blog I talked to you about my future work, today I will continue telling you about a topic, which is important to take into account, that will also play an important role in my future, by this I mean my postgraduate studies, clearly in my case I would like to work in the clinical area of psychology, such as doing a master's degree in clinical psychology for adults at a university in the country, this would be one of the first goals, obviously we must take into account the conditions in which I am in the future, It is something that cannot be predicted with certainty, you have to consider the economic stability that you have, it is not a decision to be taken lightly, but assuming that you have all the possibilities of carrying out a postgraduate study, I would not think twice and I would do it immediately, in the same way that I would not like to leave it up to here, I would love to continue specializing abroad, I would love to continue growing as a mental health professional and in this way be able to give the best attention to my patients. Studying full time would be the best option, to be completely focused on studies, but unfortunately it is not always possible, so, the best would be a part-time course to balance it with work life, but at the end of the day it is good to have goals in life and more if you are doing what you like.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

My future job

Psicología Clínica | Servicios | OxígenoOxígeno

Hello my dear readers
Today I would like to talk to you about my future work, more precisely what I would like to do in my future, currently I can say that I am a student of psychology, therefore, my work should revolve around this area, mainly in the clinical area, where you can work directly with individuals; I always consider that it would be good to work with people, help them around their problems and try to improve their day to day, this work clearly needs a high level of empathy, understanding as well as knowing how to listen. I would not say that it is an easy task to deal with the problems of others considering the problems I may have, so it is also an important factor to consider. From the point of view of the satisfaction I can receive from doing this work it would be quite significant, just for the sake of trying to help a person improve and make their life easier.
My dream is to open a practice so that I don't have to depend on anyone, to be my own boss and in this way live doing what I am passionate about, it can also be said that I don't just close myself off to the clinical field, I would also like to work in other areas of psychology, after all the most important thing is to live doing what you love.
Thank you very much, goodbye!

lunes, 1 de junio de 2020


Hello my dear readers
I would like to tell you that for me the world of cinema has marked my life since childhood until now, just taking the time to see a movie, is a moment to disconnect from the outside world and enjoy a new reality through the screen, during my childhood one of my favorite activities was going to the movies, I still remember the first movie I saw in the cinema, this was "Encantada" (in Spanish), every time I see it it brings me back to that childhood memory.

Todos somos Chuck Noland en estos momentos: TVN transmitirá El ...Through the years I have seen a lot of movies, but I would like to mention one of my favorites: "Cast Away", is one of those movies that you could see hundreds of times and not get bored, I would say it is one of the classic movies of the cinema, it tells the story of Chuck, a man who is shipwrecked on an island, in which he spends several years accompanied by his good friend Wilson (a volleyball), which must overcome a number of problems throughout the story in relation to their survival and facing loneliness. A great film that everyone should see...

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

The Best Holidays

Turismo en Guanaqueros 2020 - Viajes a Guanaqueros, Chile ...

Hello again my dear readers today I would like to tell you about my last and best vacation.
These were last summer, together with my uncles, my cousin and his two dogs (Dante and Agus), where we made a trip to Guanaqueros, a beach located in the region of Coquimbo, which we visited for approximately two weeks, to a campsite in the area, camping has always been for me a good way to disconnect from the world and break a little the routine that we face daily.
We went to the beach daily and throughout the days we visited different places in the region, where I would like to highlight the Elqui Valley, since I consider it a place with a very special energy and mystique, besides having a beautiful view of the stars and the night sky.
I would like to emphasize that this type of situation allows us to generate good memories with the people close to us, besides being a good instance to generate good anecdotes.
Thank you very much!!!

The English in my life